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ESMI, European Soft Matter Infrastructure

ESMI, European Soft Matter Infrastructure

7 Program Ramowy UE, FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-1

Budżet projektu: 9 708 723,00 Euro, w tym CNBM 50 000 Euro

Jednostka koordynująca: FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JUELICH GMBH, Niemcy

Projekt realizuje konsorcjum 17 jednostek naukowych

Cele projektu: The central objective of this ESMI proposal is to create a top-level interdisciplinary research infrastructure available to a broad European materials research community. This is of crucial importance to the EU in view of the European strategy for nanosciences and nanotechnology and its implementation report that identifies “a lack of leading interdisciplinary infrastructures”. ESMI offers the most important experimental and synthesis techniques and combines world-class infrastructures with cutting edge scientific expertise through a sophisticated networking programme. The anticipated JRA will further improve the existing infrastructure. Computer simulations being of increasing importance for the understanding and prediction of complex materials, ESMI offers access to simulation groups and their advanced tools. The availability of such an infrastructure will provide soft matter scientists with a broad choice of techniques to address their scientific objectives. It will result in a quantum leap in research opportunities and assure that European scientists have a world-class collaborative capability for their frontier research. ESMI will strongly contribute to a fundamental understanding, allowing the development of new, tailored smart materials

Magnetic Nanoparticles and Thin Films for Spintronic Applications and High Performance Permanent Magnets: NANOMAG

Magnetic Nanoparticles and Thin Films for Spintronic Applications and High Performance Permanent Magnets: NANOMAG

7 Program Ramowy UE, FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES


Projekt realizuje konsorcjum 10 jednostek naukowych z Europy, USA i Korei Południowej

Budżet projektu:
821 100,00 Euro, w tym dla CNBM: 67 200,00 Euro

Cele projektu: wzmocnienie potencjału naukowego jednostek partnerskich w zakresie zaawansowanych, wielofunkcyjnych magnetycznych nanomateriałów oraz nowych technologii na rzecz spintroniki i aplikacji biomedycznych. Projekt zakłada wymianę wiedzy poprzez wspólna badania naukowe oraz wymianę pracowników naukowych z krajów europejskich (Słowenia, Grecja, Polska), USA i Korei Południowej.




SoftComp NoE (Network of Excellence) - sieć skupiająca 34 jednostki naukowe z całej Europy, w tym CNBM, która powstała w wyniku realizacji projektu w ramach 6 Programu Ramowego UE.

The scientific objective of SoftComp is to obtain a detailed understanding of the physical mechanisms and properties of complex, multi-component soft matter composites. With the increasing complexity of composite materials, the number of variables becomes so large that an incremental trial-and-error approach to discovering new properties becomes increasingly difficult. A knowledge-based approach, on the other hand, allows to fully utilise the potential of these systems to vary, control and switch properties over a wide range.

The socio-economic objective of SoftComp is to provide a fundamental basis for an intelligent engineering of materials and their processing. This is of prime importance for the future of European pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry. More generally all industrial applications of nanophase materials will be implicated. SoftComp specifically aims to develop new knowledge-based materials and to improve existing ones with tailored properties concerning the vital domains of rheological, structural, thermodynamics, elastic and optical behaviour.

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